The growing Crescent Moon slides east from its location last evening, and appears to the right of a bright, orange-red star, Antares. Look for them to emerge from the twilight by 7:30, low in the south-southwest, and slipping lower through the evening, and setting by 9:15 in the southwest.

Tomorrow morning, Mercury reaches its Greatest Western Elongation, a description of its maximum separation from the Sun as seen from the Earth, rising just after 5 o’clock, with its best views from 5:30 to 6 o’clock. Mercury is moving away from us, as its orbit curves it back toward the Sun, passing behind the Sun on October 20th.

The First Quarter Moon hangs in the south as the stars emerge from the twilight by 7:30. Looking to the left of the Moon, you’ll find the stars of the “teapot” in Sagittarius, with its triangular lid on top of the teapot, while two more stars form a handle on the left, and another star to the right can be imagined as a spout.