Weather Forecast
A cold front brings periods of clouds and cooler weather today into the weekend.
Temperature & Wind Map
This weather map shows the latest wind and temperature forecast from the National Weather Service (NWS) NAM computer model.
The model is run every 6 hours starting at 1 am EST, which is 2 am EDT. The maps are generated 3 hours after the start of each model run to make sure that all data have been received.
- Wind is plotted as an arrow.
The orientation of the arrow indicates the direction that the wind is blowing. - The length of the arrow indicates the wind speed.
Areas with stronger wind speeds are indicated by lines of constant speed, isotachs, every 5 knots starting with 15 knots. - Temperature contours are drawn every 5 degrees Fahrenheit.
This program is a partnership between the Fairbanks Museum and Vermont Public.