Weather Forecast
Quite cold through Wednesday, and maybe through Wednesday night east of the Greens.
Clouds & Precipitation Map
This weather map shows the latest cloud and precipitation forecast from the National Weather Service (NWS) NAM computer model.
The model is run every 6 hours starting at 1 am EST, which is 2 am EDT. The maps are generated 3 hours after the start of each model run to make sure that all data have been received.
- Cloud cover exceeding 50 percent is indicated with gray shading.
- Intensity of precipitation is indicated by the forecast radar intensity, from light (light green) to heavy (purple) according to the scale. Yellow and higher indicates heavy showers similar to that found in thunderstorms.
- Precipitation type is stippled white for snow and stippled red for ice (sleet or freezing rain). Rain is indicated by a radar forecast without any stippling. Stippling without a radar forecast suggests just light precipitation.
Top map: NOAA NAM model. Northeast US region. 12 km horizontal resolution. 2 day forecast, images every 3 hours.
Lower map: NOAA HRRR model. VPR listening region. 2.5 km horizontal resolution. 15 hour forecast, images every 1 hours. Interactive graph of temperature
This program is a partnership between the Fairbanks Museum and Vermont Public.