Young students learning in class


If you’d like to focus on a subject you don’t see in this list, please let us know. Email Karina Weiss or call 802-748-2372.


Pre-K 30-minute programs
Discovering Rainbows (Grades K-5)
Vermont Rocks! (Grades 3-8
Here Today Gone Tomorrow (Grades 3-8)
Clean-Up Crew (Grades 3-8)

Education Programs

Our educators are trained naturalists with a passion for inquiry-based learning. Guided instruction happens in our planetarium, galleries, classrooms, and in the field.

Be inspired!

Our educators provide thought-provoking learning experiences designed to ignite curiosity and encourage reflection. We emphasize learning through scientific method: using observation, developing a hypothesis, testing, data collection, analysis, and reflection. 

All Fairbanks Museum education programs are designed to meet appropriate Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and are available in a variety of pricing plans.

NEW Pre-K (30-minute programs)

Dynamic Dinos
Get ready for an exciting adventure back to the prehistoric world! In this class, students will discover how paleontologists uncover the mysteries of dinosaurs and get a hands-on look at fossil replicas. Join us to explore the secrets of our planet’s ancient past! NGSS: K-LS1-1

M is for Moon!
Blast off into space with us! This 30 minute planetarium program features moon facts and even a dance party on the moon! Come learn a little bit more about our natural satellite and the phases it goes through each month.

Winter Animals Adaptations
We change our wardrobe for warmer clothing in preparation for the freezing temperatures, but what do animals do? In this program we will explore how animals prepare for winter weather through games and hands-on activities!  Available only in the winter

Patterns and Textures

Stripes, spots, feathers, scales, and fur, are some of the patterns and textures that creatures use to survive in the wild. In this program, we will use our senses to compare different creature coverings and consider how they help the creatures that have them.

Critter Counting

We’ll work on our counting skills to “feed” some critters! We will be sure to consider what different animals eat (omnivore, carnivore, herbivore, insectivore, folivore, frugivore) while working on our addition!

Living in Color
Whether it’s hiding from predators or attracting a mate, animals use their colorful coverings for many different reasons! We will learn more about how colors can help an animal blend in or stand out to warn others.


Choose Your Own Space Adventure! Pick 2 topics from list below (Grades 3-8):

  • Gravity
  • Solar System
  • Moon phases
  • Moon craters
  • Sun
  • Eclipses
  • Life on Other Planets

NGSS 5-PS2-1, MS-ESS1-1, MS-ESS1-2

Constellations & Cultures (Grades K-8)
Constellations are created when people look up at the sky and draw lines between bright stars to create images. Even though we all see many of the same stars each night, every culture creates their own images based on what is important to them. In this planetarium program, we will explore stories from cultures around the world about constellations that are visible in our night sky. NGSS 1-ESS1-1

Bang! Zoom! To the Moon! (Grades K-3)
How does the moon move, and why does it change appearance? The moon is the most easily recognized object in the night sky, as well as the most misunderstood. It changes shape, location and timing, creates eclipses, and is the only other planetary object humans have landed on and explored. The session closes with a viewing of actual moon landings. Pair this class with “The Phases of the Moon: Grades K-3” to spend 30 minutes doing each. NGSS 1-ESS1-1, and 1-ESS1-2

Bang! Zoom! To the Moon! (Grades 3-5)
In addition to the description above, students will see the phases and movement of the moon and learn how sun and shadow affect its appearance. If appropriate, students will be introduced to topics such as the origin of the moon, its gravitational effect and solar and lunar eclipse. NGSS 5-PS2-15-ESS1-15-ESS1-2MS-ESS1-1MS-ESS1-2, and MS-ESS1-3

What’s Up, Tonight Skies (Grades K-8)
Take a tour of the night’s sky with us! During this program, you can expect to be introduced to seasonal constellations, fly to and explore visible planets, and learn about the latest discoveries from space. Better yet, you’ll walk away with an in-depth knowledge of your night sky so that you can identify the wonders of the cosmos in your own backyard. NGSS 1-ESS1-11-ESS1-25-PS2-15-ESS1-15-ESS1-2MS-ESS1-1MS-ESS1-2, and MS-ESS1-3

From Stonehenge to the Great Pyramid: Ancient Astronomy Sites (Grades 3-8)
Observing and measuring the sky had a prominent role in nearly every ancient culture. Most importantly, it created a system of time-keeping, necessary for the organization and growth of a large population sharing similar beliefs and principles. These cornerstone concepts led to the construction of structures capable of measuring and marking significant astronomical events – seasons, cycles, and motions in the heavens. Students will start by exploring the relationship with basic astronomy observations and time. Then, they will consider possible ways to measure elements of the skies. That will lead to a discussion of how ancient astronomers designed structures to track these changes over time, including Stonehenge, the Great Pyramid of Egypt, some ancient Mayan sites, and others. NGSS 5-ESS1-15-ESS1-2MS-ESS1-1MS-ESS1-2, and MS-ESS1-3

Weather & Climate

Weather Basics (PreK – 2)
Explore Vermont’s seasonal changes with us as we pack a suitcase for each of the four seasons. Students will take a look at some different weather instruments, learn about how they are used to create a weather forecast, and make a craft that will help them think about the weather from home. NGSS K-ESS2-1, K-ESS3-3

NEW! Discovering Rainbows (Grades K-5)
This course offers a comprehensive exploration of how sunlight transforms into the vibrant arcs of color we see in the sky. Discover the science behind rainbows as we unravel the mysteries of light refraction, dispersion, and reflection. Put on your scientist hat and conduct hands-on experiments that demonstrate how light behaves. Become part of a larger science project as you witness a real rainbow being formed right before your eyes. Then join us for a fun project that showcases knowledge of the light spectrum. NGSS 4-PS3-2, NGSS 5-PS1-3

It’s Getting Hot in Here! (Grades 4-8)

In this course, students will explore the forces driving climate change and their current impact on our planet. Through engaging discussions and interactive lessons, we will delve into the science behind climate change, focusing on the roles of greenhouse gases and human activities in altering our atmosphere. Additionally, students will conduct hands-on experiments that demonstrate how increased CO2 levels influence not only Earth’s temperature but also its environment. By the end of the course students will have discussed the interconnectedness of Earth’s systems and the role they play in our environment. NGSS 5-ESS2-1MS-PS1-3MS-ESS2-5MS-ESS2-6MS-ESS3-5 

Puzzling Predictions (Grades 3-5)
Come uncover the mystery behind how weather forecasts are made! In this engaging program, students will explore how meteorologists use observations, satellites, radar, and various instruments to predict the weather. Participants will collaborate with museum meteorologists to make real-time observations, which will be used in a live forecasting demonstration. By the end of the class, students will apply their newfound skills to create their own weather forecasts! NGSS 3-ESS2-1, 3-ESS2-2, and 5-ESS2-1

Environmental Science

The Nest Big Thing (Grades PreK-2)
All birds hatch from eggs but where they hatch and how they develop can be very different. Some birds are ready to move right out of the egg while others need more time to grow. Some baby birds look like their parents while others look very different. In this class we’ll look at nests, eggs, and feathers to learn more about birds and their lifecycle? NGSS: K-ESS2-2, 1-LS3-1, 2LS4-1

Pumpkins and Squash and Gourds, Oh My! (Grades PreK-2)

Fall is a time of harvest! In this class we will explore pumpkins and their cousins in a variety of ways including weight, size, and number of seeds, using different science tools. We will also look at the parts of the fruit and their lifecycle. Be prepared to get messy with this hands-on exploration! NGSS K-LS1-1, 1-LS3-1, 2-LS4-1 Available only in Fall 

Magnificent Metamorphosis (Grades PreK-2)

Butterflies are probably the creatures that come to mind when you hear the word metamorphosis, but there are many other creatures that also go through this amazing process. In this class we will touch on a few of these special insects, learning not only about their metamorphosis, but about their anatomy and behavior, too. Students will look closely at butterfly and moth specimens under the microscope and act out and create their life cycles. NGSS K-LS1-1, K-ESS2-2, 2-LS2-2 Available only in Fall and Spring 

Seed Science (Grades PreK-2)
This class takes a deep dive into the fascinating world of seeds. From the magic of seed dispersal, to the amazing transformations they make after landing, we’ll explore it all. Students will take a close look at some different seeds they might find in their own backyard, and take guesses as to what they turn into. NGSS K-LS1-1, 2-LS2-2, K-ESS2-2, 1-LS3-1

Insects and Imposters (Grades K-3)
Have your students ever wondered what it would be like to be an entomologist? Entomologists are scientists that study the life and behavior of insects. In this class we will discuss how to distinguish between insects and their imposters by learning about what all insects have in common. Students will use some of the tools that these scientists use to take a closer look at a wide variety of critters. Decomposition, metamorphosis, and pollination are just a few of the fun topics we might explore. NGSS: 2-LS4-1 and K-LS1-1

Tracks in the Snow (Grades K-3)
Where do animals go in the wintertime and how do they stay warm? From hibernation, to migration, to special adaptations, this class will explore the different ways creatures in Vermont tackle the cold winter months. Students will also take a close look at animal footprints and use track stamps to create an exciting and mysterious winter scene. NGSS 3-LS4-3 and K-LS1-1 Available only in winter

You Are What You Eat (Grades 1-5)
Get caught up in the food web! This class will explore what animals eat and how they are interconnected within an ecosystem. We will discuss the differences between herbivores, omnivores, and carnivores by looking at their teeth and poop! NGSS 3-LS2-1, 3-LS3-2, 4-LS1-2

Impeccable Beaks and Feet (Grades 3-5)
Over time creatures have evolved to better help them survive in their environment. Bird’s beaks and feet are specialized to help them eat diverse diets and move through their habitat. In this class we will investigate why birds need different beaks and feet through various activities including looking at skulls and pretending to forage for food. NGSS: 3-LS4-2, 3-LS4-3, 3-LS3-2

Animal Homes (Grades K-6)
Do all animals make their own homes, or do they find homes already constructed? Students will begin this exploration in the gallery looking for different types of animal homes and then progress to hands-on activities. NGSS 2-LS2-2, 2-LS4-1, 5-LS2-1, and MS-LS2-3

Fantastic Flowers (Grades K-6)
Using games, story-telling and movement, students are introduced to flowers and their cycle of growth, pollination and seed production. NGSS 1-LS1-1, 1-LS3-1, 3-LS1-1, 4-LS1-1, 5-LS1-1, and MS-LS1-4Available only in Spring

Creature Features (Grades 2-8)
Over time, animals have evolved special features to help them catch their prey, stay safe from predators, and care for their babies. Students will take a closer look at animal pelts, skulls and other bones to help explain how creatures have adapted to survive in a variety of different habitats. NGSS LS1.A, 2-LS4-1, LS4.C, and LS1.C

Vermont Rocks! (Grades 3-8) 

Are all the rocks in Vermont the same? Do people use them for the same purposes? Students will observe different types of rocks and learn how they can change from one form to another. They will discover how rocks have played a significant part in Vermont’s past and present! NGSS: MS-ESS2-1, MS-ESS2-2, 5-PS1-3, 5-ESS2-1

Here Today Gone Tomorrow (Grades 3-8)
What does it mean to become endangered or to go extinct?  Students will learn about extinction events in the past, why they occurred, and whether one is currently happening. They will also examine people’s efforts to protect endangered species so they are here today and not gone tomorrow. NGSS: 5-ESS3-1, MS-LS4-1, MS-ESS3-3

Clean-Up Crew (Grades 3-8)
Is your ecosystem filled with dead plants and animals? Have no fear; the clean-up crew is here! Known as decomposers, they eat and recycle what is left behind. Students will learn about decomposition, what decomposers live here, and how they help people! NGSS: 5-ESS2-1, 5-LS2-1, MS-LS2-3, 5-PS3-1


All About Owls (Grades 3-6)
Owls are fascinating animals that have many amazing features to help them survive in the wild. In this program, students will practice life science skills by examining various owl specimens and dissecting their own owl pellets! NGSS 4-LS1-1 and 3-LS4-2

Field Excursions

Forest Life (Grades 1-6)
Students explore the forest habitat and the differences that occur across the seasons. They look for diversity among plant and animal life, the cycles of life and death in the forest habitat, and evidence of the history of land use in the forest.​ NGSS 3-LS4-43-LS1-13-LS3-25-LS2-1MS-LS1-6MS-LS2-1MS-LS2-3, and MS-LS2-4

Meadow Life (Grades 1-6)
Students explore a meadow and are introduced to the creatures they may find in this habitat. They will collect and take a close look at various specimens to help understand the diversity among plant and animal life in the meadow. NGSS 3-LS4-43-LS1-13-LS3-25-LS2-1MS-LS1-6MS-LS2-1MS-LS2-3, and MS-LS2-4

Pond Life (Grades 1-6)
Available in Spring: Students explore a pond site and are introduced to the pond habitat, life cycles, and diversity based on the site being explored. They will collect specimens and describe the density of life they encounter in the pond. NGSS 3-LS4-43-LS1-13-LS3-25-LS2-1MS-LS1-6MS-LS2-1MS-LS2-3, and MS-LS2-4 Available only in Spring

Scavenger Hunts

Contact Karina Weiss if you are interested in a scavenger hunt to go along with your museum visit.