April ends with a challenging farewell to Jupiter, dominating the evening skies through the winter, but now fading into the sunset, literally. You’ll have to find a low, level view to the west-northwest, and scan the horizon for a bright, subdued point of light, from about 8:15 to 8:30 PM. Jupiter takes some time off through mid-June, when it returns to the morning skies.
Today is May Day, and is known in the Celtic tradition as Beltane, marking the traditional half-way point between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. These mid-points of the seasons are called “cross-quarter days”, as they are exactly between the “quarter days”, marking the beginning of each season.
The next few mornings award early risers with some interesting planetary arrangements just as the blush of dawn arrives in the east. Tomorrow, a waning Crescent Moon rises along side of Saturn, to its left, climbing to a better viewing height from 4:30 to 4:45 AM, before th brightening twilight overwhelms them. Well to their left, a bit lower is Mars – the Moon’s destination Saturday and Sunday mornings.