Corona Borealis, or the Northern Crown, rises into the east-northeast, one third of the way from the lower left of Arcturus, and to the upper right of Vega, just rising in the northeast. Its middle star, named appropriately Gemma, is the jewel in the crown, and highlights the semi-circle of stars.

High in the northeast this evening, a waxing Gibbous Moon appears in the “clutches” of Leo, the Lion. Between 8:15 and 8:45 PM, as we transition from twilight to dark, you’ll see Leo’s brightest star, Regulus, well below the Moon, while the curve of the stars that make his head and mane curve halfway around the Moon.

As the last of the twilight fades after 8:45, look high into the southwestern skies, where the celestial Lion, Leo, appears to be sitting on the waxing Gibbous Moon, progressing to due south, about two thirds of the way above the horizon, at 10 o’clock. Leo’s brightest star, Regulus is well to the right of the Moon tonight, subdued by the moonlight.