On this date in 1910, the Earth passed through the tail of Halley’s Comet, an event that spawned any number of reactions, from taking “Comet Pills” to ward off the noxious vapors, to predictions of the end of the world. The dangers were greatly exaggerated, with no measurable effects.

As the Moon reaches its New phase, permitting dark evening skies, it’s a good time to locate the famous but rather faint constellation, Hercules. Looking due east near 11:00 PM, and on a line between Arcturus high in the southeast and Vega in the east, you may find the “keystone” figure of stars that marks the ancient Greek hero.

While the King and the Queen, Cepheus and Cassiopeia languish near the northern horizon, Draco, the Dragon has slithered higher into the northeast. Though his stars aren’t overly bright, look for his tail starting between the Big and Little Dippers, then curving around the Little Dipper to the right and down.