One of the summer’s brightest stars, Antares, crests due south near 1:30 AM, marking the “heart” of the Scorpion, but also leading the Milky Way back up into the eastern skies. Look to the left of Antares, where the band of faint light belonging to our galaxy, the Milky Way, has reached more than halfway up in the east, highlighted by the stars of the Summer Triangle.
Stretched through the east and southeast near 10 o’clock, the brilliant stars Arcturus, two-thirds of the way up in the southeast, and Vega, well to its lower left, and one third of the way above the eastern horizon, help you to locate a faint semi-circle of stars between them, the Northern Crown, closer to Arcturus.
During the afternoon, the planet Jupiter passes behind the Sun from our viewpoint on Earth, known as its conjunction. Naturally, this is not an observable, event, yet this configuration has been tracked for thousands of years, and can be found on clay tablets from Mesopotamia, dating back over three thousand years ago.