A waxing Crescent Moon slides just to the lower right of a pair of conspicuously bright stars, almost half way up, and due west at 9 o’clock or so this evening. These are the “twins” of Gemini, the horoscope or zodiac constellation from late May through the Summer Solstice. While bright, the stars are not identical, with Pollux, on the left, brighter than Castor on the right.

Very high in the southeast on the next clear evening, as darkness becomes complete after 10 o’clock, a bright, pale orange beacon can easily be found, the red-giant star Arcturus. This “red” giant shines brighter and hotter than most, making its color more yellow-ish orange. Arcturus is the brightest star we see through the Summer and early Fall.

The star Spica, due south at 10:40 this evening, will help guide you to the stars of Corvus, the Crow. Well to the lower right of Spica, look for an odd shaped “box” of stars. The lower left star is the tail of the Crow, while the three other stars form his head, flanked by out-stretched wings.