A waxing Crescent Moon slides low above the western horizon this evening, with the tips of its horns nearly vertical. This gives the appearance that the Moon cannot “hold water”, and therefore gives us the weather saying, “when the Moon cannot hold water, expect rain.
A low, level view to the southwest shows a thin Crescent Moon making its last visible monthly visit to the pale blue star Spica for a few months, until early birds see it in November and December. Spica is one of four bright stars the Moon tracks near each month, but the timing changes as the Earth orbits the Sun.
The eastern skies tomorrow morning at 4:15 AM EDT, offer a preview of coming attractions, as the winter “champion”, Orion, climbs higher into the east-southeast, following the bright red star Aldebaran, the red “eye” of Taurus, the Bull. You’ll see this same scene on a clear December evening, including the brilliant Jupiter, very high in the southeast.