You find two familiar constellation rising in tandem this evening. Due east prowls the Lion, Leo, coming into his own as he does each spring. Also returning to our skies, well to the Lion’s left, a pattern that looks a lot like a question mark. You’ll know it, even if it does appear vertical. It’s the Big Dipper making its return.

Following the line of Orion’s Belt stars to the right, the red star Aldebaran should easily catch your attention.  Look more carefully at this region, and you will see a “V” shaped pattern of stars making the Bull’s face.  This faint group is called the Hyades, step-sisters of the more famous Pleiades, or Seven Sisters.

The Scorpion is making his usual pre-dawn appearance as winter enters its final weeks. From 2:30 to 5:30 AM EDT, this “S”-shaped constellation climbs into the southeast, with its red star Antares due south at 5:40 AM, with its head and claws to the upper right, and body and tail curling like an “S” toward the horizon.