At 10:15 this evening, the Scorpion’s tail is due south, extremely low above the horizon, yet even so, at its best viewing of the year. As the tail curls up to the left, the star on the end is called Shaula, from the Arabic meaning either “stinger” or “raised”, as in poised to sting.

By 9 o’clock, lowering into the southwest, the Moon, just one day shy of its First Quarter, pairs up with the normally bright star Spica. They appear about one quarter of the way up from a level horizon, edging lower through the evening, not setting until well after 11 o’clock. They will pair up again 27 days from now, the time for the Moon to orbit the Earth.

The First Quarter Moon settles in to the southwest this evening, while the teapot-shaped pattern of Sagittarius slides low over the southern horizon, due south near 11 o’clock. Although Sagittarius as a constellation portrays a centaur holding a bow and arrow, the teapot, with its spout on the right, is far easier to imagine.