High in the east-southeast at 10:30 are three bright stars which make up the Summer Triangle. The highest and brightest is Vega, lower and to the left is Deneb, and lowest and more toward the south is Altair. Altair comes from an Arabic word meaning the “flying or soaring eagle”.

High in the east-northeast is the star Deneb, the tail of Cygnus, the Swan. Deneb is Arabic for “the tail”, though Arabs described this region as the “chicken”. While Deneb is less bright than the other members of the Summer Triangle – Vega overhead, and Altair much lower toward the south – it is actually thousands of times brighter, but farther away.

The Milky Way arches high across the eastern skies in the evening, extending down to the north, where it appears dimmer, and toward the south, glowing noticeably brighter, home to the center of our Galaxy. The Milky Way swings overhead through the course of the night.