All night, every night, the North Star is right where it always is – half way up, due north. Many are surprised that the North Star is not the brightest star in the heavens. It is not its brightness, but its location directly above the Earth’s North Pole that makes this the Pole Star. As the Earth spins on its axis, this star remains fixed in the same place, while the rest of the skies pivots around it.
Tomorrow morning, July arrives for early risers with a fine display of the waning Crescent Moon to the upper right of the reddish Mars, slowly starting to brighten in the morning skies. The viewing starts near 2:30, and fades in the brightening twilight by 4:30. You might catch Jupiter, much brighter but much lower and to the left by 4 o’clock.
Mornings continue to be the center of attention for celestial displays, with a thinning Crescent Moon to the right of a faint patch of stars, the Seven Sisters, or the Pleiades. We typically think of them as a late fall or winter sight, but they always start their displays in the mornings of July.