An interesting view sets up for very early risers tomorrow morning. Just a blush of twilight sits along the northeast horizon at 10 minutes after 5, while Saturn makes its return to the skies, low in the east-southeast. You might not easily pick out Saturn, except a waning Crescent Moon rises below it, with the pair fading as twilight brightens after 5:25 AM.

Venus dazzles every clear evening from now into June, while its progression through the stars of Taurus the Bull form an interesting arrangement this evening. As the sky darkens after 8:30, look to its left for the red star Aldebaran, Taurus’s brightest star, nearly 20 times less bright, while the Seven Sister to the lower right complete a triangle of objects.

A good view to the north gives a terrific chance to see the Queen Cassiopeia’s chair or throne lowering toward the northern horizon. She is facing to the right, looking at her husband, King Cepheus. In six months, her throne will be high above, but upside-down.