At 8 o’clock this evening, the Gibbous Moon, well right of Saturn in the southeast, may appear slightly rounded where day meets night on our celestial neighbor, a line called the “terminus”, where the sunlight terminates. The shadows are at their greatest near this line, revealing the larger craters in binoculars, or a spotting scope.

Late this afternoon, the waxing Gibbous Moon climbs into the east-southeast, still fairly low as the twilight fades, revealing a companion to the Moon, the planet Saturn. They’ll swing a bit higher into the southeast by 7:45, and then crest due south three hours later.

The planet Saturn continues to rise a few minutes earlier each evening, well placed for viewing by 9:30 or so this evening, in the southeast. Over the next several weeks, Saturn becomes your guide to finding one of the brighter stars in the heavens, but viturally unknown. Below Saturn, low above the southern horizon shines Fomalhaut, the brightest star in Pisces Austrinus, or the Southern Fish.