Rising in the east-northeast this evening at 9:45, a waning Gibbous Moon escorts Jupiter into view, the pair climbing higher by midnight, due east, and about one quarter of the way up from the horizon. On the left side of the Moon, an equal distance as Jupiter to the right, the fuzzy patch of stars known as the Pleiades, or the Seven Sisters.

The late evening welcomes a rising, waning Gibbous Moon, making an appearance between the faint cluster of stars, the Seven Sisters or the Pleiades, to the Moon’s upper right, and well above the bright, reddish star Aldebaran, the “eye” of Taurus, the Bull, coming into view in the east-northeast after 11:30 PM. They’ll sweep high into the south by 5:30 AM tomorrow.

Any clear evening throughout the year, you can use the outer two stars of the Big Dipper’s bowl, and extend a line from there “up” from the bowl to find Polaris, the North Star, which appears anchored due north, and half way up in the skies. It actually remains there because it is directly above our North Pole.