With evenings arriving a bit earlier each day, you’ll find the twilight darkening from 6:15 to 7 o’clock, at which point you should gaze toward the southeast, where the waxing Gibbous Moon glows well to the right of the planet Saturn, sitting about one quarter of the way up from the horizon. They’ll crest due south at 8:45 PM.

Early risers may be wonder-struck at the display of bright objects near 5 o’clock. Jupiter has been out all night, and remains in view in the southwest, while the winter constellation Orion crosses the south. Meanwhile, Venus lights up the eastern skies, shining even brighter than Jupiter.

Lowering into the west-northwest this evening, the pale orange star Arcturus, sets near 8:15 PM EDT. However, our second brightest star is not done. Early tomorrow morning, Arcturus climbs back into the east-northeast starting at 5:25, though much easier to find one hour later.