I don’t know why you’d be up at 3 o’clock tomorrow morning, but if you are, look to the southeast for the Last Quarter Moon rising in the southeast, following the reddish star Antares up into the southeast. Antares shines as the “heart” of the Scorpion, more typically seen during summer evenings, a much more convenient time of night, and of the year.

Following the line of Orion’s Belt stars to the right, the red star Aldebaran should easily catch your attention.  Look more carefully at this region, and you will see a “V” shaped pattern of stars making the Bull’s face.  This faint group is called the Hyades, step-sisters of the more famous Pleiades, or Seven Sisters.

The Ides of March meant the middle of March to the Romans, and specifically the Full Moon, because their calendar was a lunar calendar. Today’s standardized calendars are no longer lunar, which explains why the Moon is a wide, waning Crescent, not rising until 4:45 AM EDT, low in the southeast, and fading from view by 6:30.