The Perseid Meteor Shower continues this evening, though past its peak. Even so, it is thrilling to see even a few “shooting stars” etch their path through the stars. Meteors are almost always favored after midnight, because ou spinning Earth turns into the direction we are orbiting. This increases the number of particles we run into along our orbit.

With the Summer Triangle almost overhead, look at its lowest star Altair, and then to the left of Altair. A faint, compact collection of stars may catch your eyes, the constellation Delphinus, the Dolphin. It appears like a comma, but perhaps you can imagine a dolphin leaping from right to left, out of the celestial waters.

The Andromeda Galaxy is the only distant galaxy we can see with our own eyes. In the next few nights look in the northeast, just below the Milky Way, and about one third of the way up from the horizon near 10:00 PM EDT. It appears as a small, oval smudge of light, enhanced by viewing through binoculars.