Look for a W-shape pattern of stars, low in the north-northeast this evening, which forms the basis of the throne for the Queen, Cassiopeia. It is tipped on its back during the summer, gradually climbing higher each evening, so that it is completely upside-down, later this fall.

The Full “Sturgeon” Moon runs low across the southern skies. The Moon gets its name from the large fish found in the Great Lakes and other large bodies of water, which were easier to catch in August. European settlers sometimes knew this as the “Corn” Moon.

By 10 o’clock this evening, edging up into the southeast, the nearly Full Moon makes the first of two visits to the planet Saturn, modestly bright to the left of the Moon. Through the night, the Moon’s orbit slides it more and more underneath Saturn, with the ringed planet right above the Moon, settling into the southwest, as twilight brightens near 5 o’clock.