Christmas’s connection to astronomy dates back to our earliest European ancestors, knowing that the longest nights of the year would slowly give way to increasing amounts of light and warmth from the Sun. Numerous stone structures, including Stonehenge, tracked the Sun carefully, to help mark the date. Such alignments were incorporated into Mayan buildings in Central America as well.

The Full “Cold” Moon rises well to the north of east, and rides a very high path across the skies, located near where the summer sun is found. The Full Moon is opposite the Sun’s location, thus the reverse is true in summer, with the Moon traveling low across the southern skies – the winter Sun’s path.

The nearly Full Moon appears surrounded by stellar admirers, located among the brightest collection of the stars we see. To the Moon’s left are the Twin stars of Gemini, while Orion’s bright stars are on the right. Rising below Orion by 8 o’clock are his hunting Dogs, and well above the Moon is Capella, while Aldebaran shines well above Orion.