Just after midnight, a waning Gibbous Moon climbs into the southeast, followed quickly by the red star Antares, the “heart” of the Scorpion. Through the wee hours of the morning, the pair slides low through the southern skies, cresting due south at 4:40 AM, only a quarter of the way above the horizon, fading as twilight brightens by 6 o’clock.
Is March going out like a lion? Leo the Lion continues to climb higher in the March evening skies. Its brightest star – Regulus – is more than half way above the southeast horizon at 8:30 PM EDT. Looking above and left of Regulus, the stars form a curve like the letter “c”, giving it the appearance of a sickle, or a “backward” question mark.
Orion is now slipping slowly into the southwest, found about one third of the way up from the horizon around 8:30 PM EST this evening. The bright star below his three belt stars, Rigel, remains distinct. A stellar powerhouse, Rigel generates 120,000 times more light than our Sun, but at a distance of nearly 900 light years.