The Scorpion is making his usual pre-dawn appearance as winter enters its final days. From 2:30 to 5:30 AM EDT, this “S”-shaped constellation climbs into the southeast, with its red star Antares due south at 5:40 AM, with its head and claws to the upper right, and body and tail curling like an “S” toward the horizon.

Today marks the anniversary of the discovery of Pluto. Clyde Tombaugh was examining pictures taken through the telescope at the Lowell Observatory in Arizona in January, 1930, over a period of days. One of the “stars” in the image moved while the stars remained in place, revealing the frozen world for the first time.

Settling into the northwest as evening descends, the Queen of the heavens, Cassiopeia, remains well placed for viewing, about one third of the way above the horizon. Her W-shaped pattern of 5 stars pivots around the North Star, and each spring looks more and more like the celestial throne she sits upon.