High in the south is brilliant star Arcturus, discovered by Sir Edmund Halley (of comet fame), to have changed its position since ancient times. This demonstrated that all stars are in motion around the center of our galaxy, though at distances so great, that the constellations look the same for thousands of years.

Tonight, as the twilight fades in the west, the “twin stars” of Gemini are lowering toward the horizon. Pollux on the left, and Castor a bit higher and to the right, are not actually twin stars. They are not even related. Pollux is 34 light years away, while Castor is a more distant 55 light years.

The star Antares, the “heart” of Scorpio, the Scorpion, is due south at midnight, shimmering a bright orangish-red. Antares was one of the four Royal Stars in Persian astronomy, marking the position of the Sun at the beginning of autumn thousands of years ago. You can see the head and shoulders of the Scorpion – a trio of stars – to the upper right.