The Delta Aquariid Meteor shower is near its broad peak in activity, lasting from mid-July to mid-August. Though not prolific, the meteors tend to be slow and bright, worth waiting for a glimpse of one or two. The Moon continues to grow through its Gibbous phase, subduing some of these fainter meteors streaking through the stars.

The star Capella is right on the northern horizon, due north at 9:35 PM EDT. While it is essentially not viewable, it never sets at our latitude. By midnight, it will be rising in the north-northeast. In six months from now, it will be almost exactly overhead during the bitter cold evenings of January.

The brightening waxing Gibbous Moon will diminish the fainter stars, leaving Summer’s brightest star, Arcturus, conspicuous west-southwest, halfway up from the horizon at 9:30 PM. The orange-white beacon has expanded into a red-giant, 25 times larger than the Sun, and 100 times brighter.