As twilight finishes up between 8:30 and 9 o’clock, the waxing Crescent Moon continues its evening tour, appearing below the star El Nath, the tip of one of the horns of Taurus, the Bull. They start almost half way way up in the west, and take a couple of hours to approach the horizon closer to midnight.
Rising in the east-southeast as twilight yields to darkness, a steely-blue star rises in the east-southeast, the brightest star in Virgo, the Virgin, Spica. One way to find it is to follow the “arc” of the Big Dipper’s handle, high in the northeast, down and right to the bright, pale orange star “Arc”-turus. Then continue to the lower right, and “spike” to Spica.
The Moon is one day from its First Quarter this evening, as it makes its monthly appearance near to the Twins of Gemini, the stars Pollux, on the left, and Castor, on the right, with the Moon forming a triangle with them below. They start the evening near 8:30 PM, very high in the west-southwest, and are still about half way up in the west near 10 o’clock.