Mark Breen
Mark is the senior meteorologist at the Fairbanks Museum and Planetarium, and for over 30 years he has been heard on Vermont Public Radio’s an “Eye on the Sky” each weekday morning. Along with weather forecasting, his work at the Museum involves teaching weather and science, as well as serving as the Planetarium Director in Vermont’s only public planetarium. You can now hear Mark weekday afternoons on VPR, as he guides listeners through observable stars and constellations in “Eye on the Night Sky”, at 4:30 PM.
Mark Breen was involved with community theater while a student at Lyndon State College in the meteorology program. Friends and family in Vermont and his love of the outdoors brought him to the Fairbanks Museum in 1982, where he and Steve Maleski embarked on what would become an institution for weather fans. “In Vermont, in particular, weather plays a big role in the economy,” says Mark. “I enjoy wonderful conversations with farmers, skiers, factory managers, teachers, hang-gliders, bicyclists, hunters, hikers, just to name a few. They each help me understand the different parts of the weather that affect their activities, which in turn helps me to focus on certain aspects of the weather, say the wind, or humidity, or temperature.”
Originally from Dannemora, NY, Mark has lived in Vermont since graduating from Lyndon State College in 1982 with a B.S. in meteorology. He has been featured in a number of magazines, including Vermont Life, where he contributes to the Vermont Life Weather Calendar, and has occasionally appeared on Vermont Public Television. He is the author of the popular book, The Kid’s Book of Weather Forecasting (avaialable at The Nature Store in the Fairbanks Museum).