June finds the Milky Way just beginning to return to the skies in the east. The dark evening skies feature a better view of the faint wisps of star clouds that form our view of the Milky Way. The Milky Way will climb a little higher each evening, and remains in the evening skies through the winter.

Tomorrow’s Summer Solstice might have you thinking that the Sun is overhead on the first day of Summer. It is true that the Sun reaches its highest point at our northern latitude is just shy of 70 degrees above the southern horizon near 1:00 PM, but you have to travel south to the line on the globe marked the Tropic of Cancer, the northern-most location to see the Sun directly overhead.

The Summer Solstice marks the start of calendar Summer in the northern hemisphere at 4:51 PM EDT this afternoon. Rising from the southeast and posing for pictures this evening will be the nearly Full “Strawberry” Moon, which will become full two days from now.