You can watch the waning Gibbous Moon lift into the east this evening just before 8:30, followed an hour later by a fairly bright, bluish-white star called Spica, the only bright star in Virgo. Through the night they progress west, cresting due south near 2 AM, and settling into the southwest near 5:30 as the blush of dawn appears in the east.
Looking to the west-northwest this evening near 7:00 PM, a vertical string of three moderately bright stars marks the constellation Andromeda. From the middle star, look for two fainter stars to its right, and then a smudge of light. This is the Andromeda Galaxy, our nearest neighboring galaxy, 2.5 million light years away.
Orion is now slipping slowly into the southwest, found about one third of the way up from the horizon around 8:30 PM EST this evening. The bright star below his three belt stars, Rigel, remains distinct. A stellar powerhouse, Rigel generates 120,000 times more light than our Sun, but at a distance of nearly 900 light years.