Early risers will catch Mars to the right of a very thin waning Crescent Moon, best viewed from 3:50 to 4:10 AM, while the much brighter Saturn looks on well to the right, about one quarter of the way up in the southeast. Saturn rises about 4 minutes earlier each night, just before midnight by the end of the month.
There might still be a hint of twilight along the west-northwest horizon by 9:30 this evening, as you look, about one quarter of the way above a low, level horizon, for a pair of stars. They rank among the brighter stars, and look so similar that you can see why they are “the Twins” – the twin stars of Gemini, representing the mythical twin brothers Pollux (on the left) and Castor (on the right).
Just as full darkness settles in by 10 o’clock, look due north and half way up in the sky to find Polaris, the North Star. Now look above it, and slightly to the left,where a pair of medium bright stars represent “north stars” from a bygone era. The brighter of the two is Kochab, the lesser Pherkad, together called the “guardians of the Pole Star