With the Moon just one day past Full, can you make out the “Man in the Moon” – created by the darker regions of the Moon? Another common figure is a rabbit or hare, with two long ears at the top, a body curved down the left side, and feet near the bottom.

The Gibbous Moon, two days past Full, climbs into the east-northeast by 7 o’clock. Just to the right, and a bit higher than the Moon, the bluish-white star Regulus emerges, with the pair close to one quarter of the way up, due east, near 8:30 PM. They spend the rest of the night crossing the southern skies, disappearing as the sun rises tomorrow.

Looking overhead at 8:35 PM this evening, you’ll find the fourth brightest star we can see from our northern latitudes, the outstanding Capella. Below Capella, Orion is unmistakable, while the red star Aldebaran sparkles to Orion’s right, and to the left are the Twins of Gemini.