High in the northern skies Cassiopeia, the Queen rules from her throne. Finding first the zig-zag of stars that looks like an “M” this time of year, use the fainter stars to perhaps see an upside down throne, the tall back angling lower to the right, and the legs extending up and left.

As the waxing Moon progresses to the east, away from its companion a few nights ago, Jupiter, now well to the right, look below the Moon in the fading twilight after 5:15 PM, where the red star Aldebaran emerges, halfway up in the east-southeast, and climbing to due south at 8 o’clock, more than two-thirds of the way up from the horizon.

The “Winter Diamond” of four dazzling stars sits in the southeast this evening, featuring Betelgeuse at the top, its orange hue due to its tremendous size causing it to cool. The lowest star is the brightest, Sirius, the Dog Star. The other dog star, Procyon, appears on the left, while Orion’s foot, Rigel, gleams brilliantly to the right of Orion’s Belt.