With the waxing Crescent emerging from the twilight, well below the Seven Sisters, it presents no interference to viewing the first principle meteor shower of the year, the Lyrid Meteor Shower. An average of 10 to 20 “shooting stars” can be seen on a dark, clear night, best viewed after midnight. They’ll linger into tomorrow night as well.

This evening, with another night ahead to watch the Lyrid meteors, you can get your star gazing started with a slender Crescent Moon “smiling” between the brilliant Venus to its upper left, and the patch of stars called the Seven Sisters at an equal distance to its lower right.

As twilight finishes up between 8:30 and 9 o’clock, the waxing Crescent Moon continues its evening tour, appearing above Venus, and below the star El Nath, the tip of one of the horns of Taurus, the Bull. They start about one third of the way up in the west, and take a couple of hours to approach the horizon closer to 10:30 PM.