By 10:00 PM, and almost directly overhead, shines the bright star Vega. Vega, which not only serves one corner of the Summer Triangle, but is also the brightest star in the constellation Lyra, the Lyre. This belongs to the god of music, Orpheus, in Greek Mythology.
With the Summer Triangle almost overhead, look at its lowest star Altair, and then to the left of Altair. A faint, compact collection of stars may catch your eyes, the constellation Delphinus, the Dolphin. It appears like a comma, but perhaps you can imagine a dolphin leaping from right to left, out of the celestial waters.
Looking high in the east at 10 PM revels Cygnus the Swan, its tail marked by the bright star Deneb, which is also a member of the Summer Triangle. Cygnus will move almost overhead by midnight when, just to its south, you can see Aquila the Eagle, and its bright star, Altair, which is another point on the Summer Triangle.