The star Capella, one of the ten brightest in the sky, is exactly northeast at 9:15 PM EDT, occasionally flickering colors of red, blue and green as its brilliant light is broken into random segments of a rainbow by the Earth’s atmosphere.
Our dark evenings favor star gazers, especially attempting to find fainter objects. One such item is the constellation Delphinus, the Dolphin, appearing like a coma-shaped pattern of stars, very high and due south at 7:45 PM. Using the lowest star in the Summer Triangle, Altair, look to its left, where it appears like it is jumping out of the water.
Between 6:45 and 7:00 PM this evening, you’ll get a brief glimpse of the departing star Antares, the “heart” of Scorpio, the Scorpion, low in the southwest, sparkling red to the right of a waxing Crescent Moon. Antares slips into the Sun’s glare in the next week or so, returning to the evenings next May.