Looking due south this evening at 9:15 PM, almost two thirds of the way up from the horizon, the bottom star of the Summer Triangle, Altair, will help guide you to a tiny constellation inside the Triangle. Above Altair, a line of moderately bright stars forms the Arrow, Sagitta, its feathers “split” on the right.
Our last good view of Comet Nishimura tomorrow morning from 5:25 to 5:40 AM, very low in the east-northeast, complimented with a fine pairing of the waning Crescent Moon to the left of the now-dazzling Venus in the east. Comet Nishimura will pass behind the Sun this Sunday, and then away from the Sun, but at an angle that keeps it too close to the Sun for viewing through October.
Arcturus now settles lower in the west by dark. The second brightest star seen in the northern latitudes, Arcturus is due west at 8:00, and sets tonight in the northwest shortly after 11 o’clock. Its brightness is a combination of distance – relatively close at 37 light years away – and its size, some 26 times the diameter of our Sun.