Following the line of Orion’s Belt stars to the right, the red star Aldebaran should easily catch your attention. Look more carefully at this region, and you will see a “V” shaped pattern of stars making the Bull’s face. This faint group is called the Hyades, step-sisters of the more famous Pleiades, or Seven Sisters.
The Ides of March meant the middle of March to the Romans, and specifically the Full Moon, because their calendar was a lunar calendar. Today’s standardized calendars are no longer lunar, which explains why the Moon is a wide, waning Crescent, not rising until 4:45 AM EDT, low in the southeast, and fading from view by 6:30.
The Big Dipper looks like a question mark in the northeast. After months of asking “when is Spring?”, follow this question mark’s curve to find a star that announces Spring to our skies. Rising near 8:15 this evening, the bright star Arcturus comes up in the east-northeast, arriving each March in the evenings.