The Crescent Moon continues to grow in the western twilight. By 10 o’clock, the last of the twilight gives way to the stars, including the relatively bright star see to the left of the Moon, Regulus, the “heart” of Leo, the Lion. Setting toward the west-northeast, both bodies will dip back below the horizon a bit past midnight.

The earliest sunrises of the year take place this week, before the longest days of the year. The Earth is farther from the Sun in June, causing it to orbit a little slower. However, it still spins on its axis at the same speed. That means it turns and faces the Sun a little more quickly, helping it to rise and shine earlier.

Facing northwest this evening, you can view the Big Dipper, or its more fleshed-out constellation version, Ursa Major, which appears to be diving toward the horizon. It’s trajectory will flatten out through the night, seemingly coming to rest along the northern horizon by morning.