Tonight welcomes July’s full “Buck Moon.” Being just a month past the summer solstice, the Full Moon will arc low as it travels across the southern sky. In this way the Moon behavior is opposite that of the sun, with moon traveling low across the sky in the summer, and high during the winter.
The Big Dipper, found dangling by its handle in the northwest, is known by a number of other names. In England, as well as parts of eastern Europe, it is called the Plough, lowering into the north each fall to till in the crops, as well as a cart or wagon wheeling around the northern sky.
At 10:15 this evening, the Scorpion’s tail is due south, extremely low above the horizon, yet even so, at its best viewing of the year. As the tail curls up to the left, the star on the end is called Shaula, from the Arabic meaning either “stinger” or “raised”, as in poised to sting.