A growing Crescent Moon rides low over the southwest horizon, but not alone. As the brilliant Venus edges toward the horizon, looking from 7 to 7:15 well to the left of Venus, a star emerges to the right of the Moon, the reddish Antares, the “heart” of the Scorpion. Antares is nearing the end of its evening viewing, returning with the warmer weather next spring.

The Draconid Meteor Shower peaks this evening, and the absence of the Moon allows star gazers dark skies to catch this minor event, most years producing fewer than 10 per hour. Occasional bursts hundreds per hour have occurred when their parent comet, Giacobini-Zinner, swings through the inner Solar System every 6.6 years, next in 2025.

Autumn has not discouraged the Summer Triangle, just given us a different view. Seen crossing overhead near midnight in the summer, it now appears overhead in the evening. Look for the faintest of the three stars, Deneb, close to the zenith this evening, while Altair shines in the southwest, and the bluish-white Vega gleams sharply, high in the west.